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Welcome to our class blog. We will try to update you on what we do in school. We love updating the blog!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Our trip to the Turlough

On a cold day in December, we hoped weather would stay dry for our journey to the turlough. After lunch we met Susan, the bird watcher from An Taisce in our classroom. She told us about the fascinating birds in the Rahasane Turlough. After the discussion we walked to the turlough. Once we got to our destination, Susan took out her telescope and showed us the birds flying over the water. We lined up to have our own view. We were sad to see lots of rubbish in the bushes. Once everyone had their go we sadly started walking back to the school. On the way back we saw a big oak tree. Finally we reached the school and we took off our dirty wellies. It was the best day ever and everyone enjoyed it.

By Adam and Phelim

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