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Welcome to our class blog. We will try to update you on what we do in school. We love updating the blog!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Our Christmas Concert

Every Friday since September we practiced The Evolution of Dance. There were lots of different stages to the dance so it took a while, but fortunately Christina was very patient. Luckily, we got the hang of it pretty quickly.

Two months before the concert (October), we started rehearsing the cup song by itself and the singing by itself. It took a while to practice as we had to get the co-ordination correct. It took ages to perfect it.

There were lots of different scenes in our play and everyone had to have a part. This is the order of which they were in:

  • Pope Francis
  • The visitors to Ireland as part of The Gathering
  • Clare win the Liam McCarthy Cup,
  • Galway win the O’Duffy Cup,
  • The Healthy Eating Policy and
  • One Direction.
It was very hard going but we got there in the end.

We spent all day practicing down at the hall on the 17th of December. We had to wait a while for our turn as the other classes went first. We were lucky as we got extra time to rehearse because the younger classes went home early. We were also a bit unlucky as we had to help setting up the hall. The entire concert lasted around 5 hours. It was our turn next. First we did the drama, then the cup song and finally the dance. It was all over pretty quickly. We had great fun. It was just a shame we had school the next day.

By Ethan and Robin

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