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Welcome to our class blog. We will try to update you on what we do in school. We love updating the blog!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Olympic Handball Final 25/2/14

We got to the county final stage in handball when another school dropped out. Ten of us went - Anna, Niamh, Helena, Alice, Tomó, Sophia, Conal, Christopher, Robin Pfeiffer and Luke S. Our first match was against Baile Nua. Unfortunately we lost 2-1. In our second match we hammered GMA 5-2. Niamh scored two goals and Tomó and Luke scored one each, Our man-marking tactic worked superbly. In our last match against Clarinbridge, we had to win or we were out. Sadly we lost 2-0. We had a great day out and hopefully next year Ms. Cooney will enter an U-13 team as well as an U-12 team. By: Anna (Man-marker), Helena (Defender) and Robin (Goalie).

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