Welcome to our Class Blog!

Welcome to our class blog. We will try to update you on what we do in school. We love updating the blog!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Green Schools Committee

We have had one Green Schools meeting. We all decided to go to the turlough every month to see the birds and to look at the bug hotel. The first day we went to the turlough we saw lots of birds. The second day at the turlough we saw no birds. The birds we saw were the blackbird, swallows, ducks, swans, willy wagtails, golden plovers, geese and lots more. On the second day the water was so high that we could not even go into the turlough. Next time we go back we hope will we see lots more birds then before and hopefully it won’t be flooded like last time.

by Luke.S & Rachel.
Class Representatives

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