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Monday, February 9, 2015

Science - Acids and Bases

 We used litmus paper to indicate whether substances were acids or bases.
The pH scale is used to identify how strong acids and bases are.
We found out that Acids are below 7 on the pH scale, that Bases are above 7 on the pH scale
Acids are a  class of compounds whose water solutions taste sour, turn blue litmus to red, and react with bases to form salts.
Bases are a  class of compounds that taste bitter, feel slippery in water solution, turn red litmus to blue, and react with acids to form salts.

We found that cola, vinegar, lemon juice and orange juice were acids and they turned our blue litmus paper red.
We found that washing soda, baking soda and  washing up liquid were bases and turned our red litmus paper blue.

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