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Friday, April 17, 2015

Fantastic DNA

DNA is needed for cells to live, to perform their specific tasks or to multiply.

DNA is found in the nucleus of our cells.  It is a double helix, which looks like a spiral staircase.

The total length of DNA from all the cells in your body equals 6,000 times the distance between the earth and the moon!

Each human cell has chromosomes, that are made from DNA.

Banana cells have 22 chromosomes. We used the step-by-step instructions from the Cell Explorers at NUIG to extract the DNA from a banana.

 Here are our materials.
 First we had to mash the banana and add a solution of saltwater and liquid soap. The salt clumps the DNA strands together so they can be observed. The soap breaks down the fats in the cell membranes so that the DNA is released.
 Next we filtered the mixture to remove the biggest debris and keep a clear cell suspension.

Then we added Methylated spirits to the filtrate. Because DNA is insoluble in alcohol the DNA floats to the top, separating it from the cell suspension.
Look at the DNA we extracted!!

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